Department of Public Safety

Active Shooter Preparedness
Do you know what to do in the event of an active shooter? Take time to review these resources.
Department Features
Rights & Options
The Rights and Options booklet is a summary of processes and resources for students and employees who have been affected by sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, and/or stalking. The booklet will guide you through various options and rights available within the University’s Title IX process as well as the Criminal Justice System.
Parking at Butler
Butler University is dedicated to being a welcoming and accessible campus. With several construction and improvement projects currently ongoing, campus accessibility and parking will be greatly impacted throughout the 2014–2015 academic year and beyond. For information regarding access to and parking at Butler, visit the Butler parking site.
Policies & Procedures
In the interest of the protection and safety of all members of the campus community as well as visitors, a complete listing of policies and procedures is available. Here you’ll find information about such areas as adverse weather procedures, bonfire policies, emergency response plans, etc